Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon at Mass. Boys and girls third grade and above who want to serve weekend Masses, Holy Days and other special liturgies are invited to join this ministry.
St. Stephen parish recognizes that our families lead busy lives and are juggling family life, work, school, homework, and practices. To encourage our families to become and remain involved in parish life and ministry, our parish utilizes online ministry software to publish schedules and for sign up purposes. No need to look for paper schedules!
New Altar Servers
Children who are interested in becoming an altar server are welcome to join at any time. New altar servers will "shadow" an altar server at a Mass to learn what to do. If your child would like to join the altar server ministry, please fill out the form below. Father Bob or Barbara Black will contact you to make arrangments for your child to "shadow" another altar server on an agreed upon date.
Enrolling in Ministry Scheduler Pro
Once your child attends training or shadows an altar server, he or she can be added to the Ministry Scheduler Pro system in order to be added to Mass schedules. Please click on the following link to enroll your child in the online scheduling system.
Enroll in Ministry Scheduler Pro Scheduling System
A link to our posted liturgical schedules can be found on the home page of our website. Look for the module "MSP."